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Mercury CX, in partnership with City of Adelaide's Cultural Partnerships Program is excited to be seeking applications from emerging creatives for the inaugural Emerging Hothouse Scheme

In partnership with the City of Adelaide, through their Cultural Partnerships Program, the Mercury CX's Emerging Hothouse Scheme will provide an emerging screenwriter, producer and cinema programmer/projectionist with the chance to 'learn through doing' in a supportive 12-week, flexible residency at the Mercury CX. Chosen participants will have access to workspace, mentoring, equipment and facilities. They will also receive a pass to the 2021 Screen Makers Conference and an annual Mercury CX membership.

It is anticipated that the Hothouse scheme will help lead participants to employment opportunities within the screen industry.

The Writer:

The selected writer will be mentored by the in-house head of development on their own project, with the aim to complete this project (script, bible or concept document etc.) by the end of the residency. The writer will also be matched with up to 3 producers at the 2021 Screen Makers Conference to pitch their project. Where possible, the writer will also have the chance to participate in reading and assessing applications received through Mercury CX funding rounds during their residency.

The Producer:

The selected producer will be guided through the art of finance plans, budgets, legals and marketplace. They will receive mentoring over the course of the residency to gain an understanding of the broader industry landscape and hone their pitching skills. By the end of the residency, the producer will have developed and packaged their own project. Where possible, the emerging producer will participate in reading and assessing applications through the Mercury CX funding rounds during their residency.

The cinema programmer/projectionist:

The emerging cinema programmer/projectionist will be provided with hands-on experience of the process of scheduling and curating cinema programs. They will be mentored by Mercury CX's in-house team to understand film booking process, contracts, and the fine art of programming for specific audiences. During the course of their residency, the participant will learn to run the projection booth and will be mentored by our highly-skilled, in-house projectionist.

It is understood participants will often need to juggle other commitments around the residency, hence, being physically at the Mercury CX full-time is not mandatory or expected, though, a commitment to reach your stated goal within the 12-week residency is imperative.

This residency is provided through resources and mentoring. There is no financial component provided.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All applicants must be South Australian residents and 18+
  • Students are not eligible to apply
  • Any applicant in default of any contractual obligations to the SAFC or Mercury CX (previously known as the MRC) are not eligible to apply


5.30pm 22 July 2021

Please direct any enquiries to Kelly Schilling:

Scheme Partners